Saturday, June 9, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday GREEN!!!!

Today at 7:52pm my red headed baby turns 1.

The day of his birth, I woke up feeling a little weird. We went to story hour at 10 am and by the time it was over at 11 I knew I was in early labor. We went to a homeschool potluck from 12-2 to meet a new group we wanted to be part of. The mom/nurse/hostess mentioned that I looked pretty uncomfortable. We joked about my water breaking on her kitchen floor and we have been dear friends ever since!!! Happy one year of knowing you, Erin!
  By 2pm I was ready to be home. I ran a few errands, dropped off another family, stopped by my moms and headed home. The kids were picked up by Great-Grandma by 4:45 and I labored alone for a few hours. Mike and the midwives showed up at 7:20 and 7:30 and my little man was born at 7:52 weighing 8lbs 13 ozs beating his sister by one ounce. 

His life has been probably one of a typical third child. He just fits in with what we are doing as a family. He is a very chill little man. He went to his Aunt and Uncles wedding at 1 1/2 days old, campmeeting at two weeks, several camping trips in his first 4 months and multiple
 road trips from MI to PA.

I can't imagine life without our sweet little boy. He is such a joy. He's walking, has two bottom teeth, loves the sand box and his brother and sister. He says words like Mama, Dada, and waves and say's "Hi" to people while we're walking through the store.

Dear Heavenly Father, 
Thank you for the blessing of our little boy. Plese guide us in raising him to love and worship you. Amen

This message is brought to you by Green:


Then he deleted my whole post in one simple key stroke.

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